ELDA Runes by Eldarune


  • REGISTRATION CLOSES (April 17, 2023, 10:43 a.m)
  • TOTAL SUPPLY (5,000 NFTs)
  • OFFICIAL LINK (eldarune.com)
  • NUMBER OF WINNERS (251 Spots)
  • RAFFLE TIME (April 18, 2023, 10:44 a.m.)
Features ELDA Runes is a Free to Mint Utility NFT Collection by Eldarune. Mint Per Wallet: 1 Mint

Other Description Eldarune is an RPG medieval, fantasy, action, game with 4K graphics, clan, and season system. The game is based on a very engaging storyline. While playing Eldarune you will travel 21 islands, fight in the hundreds of dungeons, and defeat the strongest monsters in the Elymnias world with your clan.

Utilities of ELDA Runes

Every two days until the free-to-mint event a new utility will be released!
Stay Tuned!

Utility #1 - ELDA Runes NFT Collection is Upgradable
ELDA Runes NFT Collection is Upgradable, this utility will increase the value of the Collection and Decrease the Total Supply.

Upgrade System:

In the First 24 Hours of the free-to-mint event:
1 ELDA Runes + Upgrade Fee= 1 Upper Tier ELDA Runes

After the First 24 Hours of the free-to-mint event:
2 ELDA Runes + Upgrade Fee= 1 Upper Tier ELDA Runes

Utility #2 — Will be released on the 30th of March!
Every two days until the free-to-mint event a new utility will be released!
Stay Tuned! for the New Utility!
- Join Eldarune Crew3 and Earn Some tokens and NFTs! - ARPG Game on Blockchain. Incubated by Seedify. Made with Unity.

Table of Contents

ELDA Runes by Eldarune
ELDA Runes by Eldarune
ELDA Runes by Eldarune
ELDA Runes by Eldarune
ELDA Runes by Eldarune
ELDA Runes by Eldarune
ELDA Runes by Eldarune
ELDA Runes by Eldarune
ELDA Runes by Eldarune

Introduce about ELDA Runes by Eldarune

ELDA Runes is a Free to Mint Utility NFT Collection by Eldarune.
Mint Per Wallet: 1 Mint.

What is ELDA Runes by Eldarune

Eldarune is an RPG medieval, fantasy, action, game with 4K graphics, clan, and season system. The game is based on a very engaging storyline.

While playing Eldarune you will travel 21 islands, fight in the hundreds of dungeons, and defeat the strongest monsters in the Elymnias world with your clan. Utilities of ELDA Runes Every two days until the free-to-mint event a new utility will be released!
Stay Tuned!


Eldarune is an ARPG medieval, fantasy, action, game with 4K graphics, clan and season system. The game is based on a very engaging storyline.

While playing Eldarune you will travel 21 islands, fight in the hundreds of dungeons, and defeat the strongest monsters in the Elymnias world with your clan.

But don’t forget to join PvP Battles to test your capability against your opponents both alone and with your clan. Players can use weapons, dragons, and battleships to defeat their opponents.

Eldarune is a complete package fun game.

Game Modes

Players will learn the basics of the game by playing Eldarune Campaign Mode, and also they will learn the lore and experience the fundamentals of the game. Which we believe necessary to fully enjoy other modes. The main Character of Campaign Mode is Alec. Players need to purchase Alec NFTs to play the game. In the Campaign Mode, Alec will be creating a strong army to fight against injustice.

Dungeon Players can play Dungeons to farm items on their own or as a team such as a co-op. Farming dungeons will help players to get better gear. After clearing a Dungeon, a more difficult one will be unlocked. You can play the same dungeon over and over again or move to a harder one. Harder the dungeon, better items will drop.

Clan Boss This mode focuses on playing as a Clan. Clans need to fight against an overwhelming enemy together. Each clan member will be rewarded with items if they are able to defeat the boss. In addition to this, every clan member needs to hit a certain amount of damage to get rewards.

PvP ArenaThis is where players can fight against each other in many different styles. Players can fight 1v1 up to 5v5, 5v5v5, and more. Depending on the number, it can be a small battle or a death match. There are different types of PvP arenas, they are not only limited to man-to-man combat, but players can also ride dragons for aerial battles or sail battleships for naval fights. For all these game modes -except the campaign- players will have different NFT champions. Each champion is specialized in a certain combat type. Some will be using crossbows, some swords and some axes, maces etc. and some magic..

Connectıon between
web 2 and web 3 gamıng
Eldarune is a Medieval ARPG Game on
Steam, Avalanche and Polygon,
incubated by Seedify

web 2
Focus on playability
Built for retention
Built for engagement
In-game Currencies
In-game virtual goods

web 3
Play and Earn
Tradable tokens as in game currenciesNFTs for virtual goods ownershipFocus on Earning MoneyFun game focused on retention & engagement
Some in-game currencies tokenized & transferable between games
In-game Items are Transferrable.

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